Contact Us

Let us know if you are interested in our services

Josh Powell

Phone: 570 971 5712
Email: poweljosh@gmail.com

Please call or text, I’m much better at responding quickly. I will get your email, but it may take a little while

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    My Story

    I grew up around construction and remodeling. My Dad did floors, my uncle was a framer and roofer, another uncle did cabinetry and finish work, my brother does drywall and acoustics, I started with plumbing and pipefitting.

    I went to Penn State for art and made TV commercials and websites for about 10 years, But… the money just wasn’t there and sitting behind a desk wasn’t for me

    I started my own company in 2010 and haven’t looked back. Welcome to PalArts… I’m from an art background and have an eye for design and am a visionary at seeing the big picture through walls, clutter and everything else. We’re here to make it happen.